Hope Great Water offers a variety of services to suit whatever needs you may have. Reach out to us to see how we may assist you in balancing the concerns of life.


Individual Therapy

Hope Great Water offers individual therapy—the most frequently used variation of therapy. When you take part of individual therapy, usually the therapist will assess what concerns you have and help you develop goals, diagnose any issues causing you issues, and develop a treatment plan to assist you in attaining your goals. Going to individual therapy is a designated time to be focused on yourself where the most important person for that hour is you.

All therapy sessions at Hope Great Water are conducted via telehealth link where you can connect with your therapist in any private space you wish. Each session is for about an hour.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is an alternative to individual therapy. It is a great experience and proves to have amazing results. It is unique because it uses group dynamics in support of your goals. Other group members offer their experiences and concerns which helps normalize the situations we go through. Also, they are able to provide feedback to other group members to help us connect with people and hold us accountable for staying on track. Some groups may be focused on specific topics and issues, while others may be more topic free instead focusing on the events of the day. Finally, some groups may be considered “open” meaning that people can join the group as openings and need arise; others may be considered “closed” meaning that whatever group members start the group will remain the only group members in the group—no new members will be joining.

When groups are available and occurring, they are conducted via telehealth platform. They last about 90 minutes. Groups will have a minimum of 5 people scheduled to participate with a maximum of 12 people scheduled. Groups will be available as appropriate based on need, interest, and amount of people.



Postdoctoral Supervision

Hope Great Water offers supervision to a limited amount of postdoctoral psychologists allowing them to amass their hours to get supervised. A contract is signed at the onset of supervision with the formal relationship lasting usually 1-2 years to satisfy the postdoctoral hours required for licensure. Each meeting is an hour long. Part of the supervision is being available for consultation between supervision sessions.

Postdoctoral Supervision

Hope Great Water offers supervision to a limited amount of postdoctoral psychologists allowing them to amass their hours to get supervised. A contract is signed at the onset of supervision with the formal relationship lasting usually 1-2 years to satisfy the postdoctoral hours required for licensure. Each meeting is an hour long. Part of the supervision is being available for consultation between supervision sessions.


Minimalist white staircase

Yoga principles

Deepen your understanding of the foundational principles of yoga in this class designed for both beginners and experienced practitioners.

12 classes

Abstract floral and stone composition

Rise & shine

An ideal choice for meditation beginners, Rise & Shine is a week-long program designed to help you greet the day with deeper clarity and vision.

7 classes

Deep green close up forest ferns

Go with the flow

This power flow collection incorporates over 84 traditional Hatha poses to maximize your flow experience and promote full body flexibility.

18 classes

Minimalist abstract image of rose-colored stone

Breaking barriers

Challenge yourself to better hold poses and deepen your stretches with this yin-focused yoga collection. All levels welcome.

24 classes

Fee Schedule

Our Services

Woman performs yoga stretching in open studio
Woman meditates gently with sound bath instrument

Find your midline

Cooling breath

Vinyasa with Natalie
90 min ·  Level 2

Breathwork with Natalie
5 min ·  Level 1

Woman meditating peacefully outdoors
Pregnant woman performs yoga stretching in open studio

Quiet your body

Rooting down

Restorative with Audrey
20 min ·  Level 1

Prenatal with Jaqui
60 min ·  Level 2

Abstract image of circular mirror reflecting a blue sky

Clearing away the fog

Sound bath with Gabbi
45 min · Level 1

Get unlimited access to each of these featured classes and more.

Unlimited Yoga & Meditation

Improve your practice at your own pace.
